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Business Identity – More Than Just a Logo


When we think ‘Business Identity’, most of us instantly conjure images of our favourite brand logos, colours, theme tunes, iconic slogan or perhaps a particularly catchy ad campaign. Do you feel a certain way when thinking about a brand? It is remarkable how well we can create that mental picture isn’t it?

That is because a successful corporate or business identity is what sets you apart. For our own businesses, it is our unique identifier and should embody the brand attributes that we live by every day. Using a consistent voice and visual identity in all communications and touch points helps build our clients’ and audiences’ confidence in us.

How many of you can relate to spending endless hours poring over brand guidelines, agreeing on a company “tone of voice”, primary & secondary colour palettes, how and where to use main logos, reverse logos, typography, and style? In a world dominated by technology, it is easy to focus on our digital journey and how our branding is consumed online via our websites, social media, blogs, e-brochures, videos and even collaborations.


But have we given due consideration to our physical presence?


If you already have or are thinking of having a bricks and mortar base, you need to consider that the office is the final link in your identity chain and how it will have a lasting impression on your clients and team.

An office interior sends a clear message about who you are as a company. Whether a single site or multiple locations – when it comes to interior branding and making the link between brand identity and physical space – consistency is key!



“The interior should be an extension of the visual identity in a physical environment. It should expand the understanding and perception of the brand — while generating internal pride.”

— Karl Martin Sætren


Interior branding is not often a company’s top priority, and yet it is a vital aspect in forming a clear and consistent company brand. By streamlining all elements of the customer journey, and applying the same guidelines as the rest of your marketing, you can create an engaging, on-brand and sensory experience. Striking the perfect balance between aesthetic, functionality, company imagery and the feeling the space evokes, can add value to your brand and allow you the opportunity to step beyond your competition and proclaim your uniqueness.

Giving due consideration to your business identity is not only for your clients’ benefit, but for your employees and any perspective talent! In an increasingly competitive market, where there is more choice than ever in where and how people work, creating an attractive workspace means more than ever.

Internal branding is an opportunity to reinforce company culture and ethos, and will help to attract fresh talent that share your common goals. An innovative and fresh space can improve employee morale, productivity, and wellbeing, along with enhancing the visitor experience.

Research carried out by the Design Council in the UK shows that the workplace environment accounts for as much as 25% of job satisfaction, and can affect performance by as much as 5% for individuals and 11% for teams.

By now we have all heard the stories of internal slides at Google, where employees can hitch a ride between floors, the arcade game rooms at Facebook, and Deloitte’s quiet room in Oslo, where employees can rest, gather their thoughts or take forty winks, all inspired by the Japanese model.

Now we are not suggesting that every company has the resources to install these statement features like Google and Facebook, however it is no secret that an inspirational workplace environment contributes to overall workforce satisfaction. Even on a much smaller scale, it is more than achievable to have an interior which is well thought out, not only fit-for-purpose but enhances the experience of both employees and visitors.

At HQ, we champion community and collaboration in our hubs. We understand how many positives there are from sharing a welcoming and exciting space with other trend setters and innovators. But we also firmly believe that every business should be proud of their identity, their uniqueness.

That is why we are passionate about working with our member companies on creating a workspace to suit you and your businesses unique needs. Our Bespoke Office Suites are blank canvas workspaces for you to put your own stamp on, or our team will work with you to honour and enhance your business visual identity.


If a Cookie Cutter solution isn’t your style, why not chat to us about bespoke builds? Email or visit for more details.






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