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RTE Feature HQKerry

RTÉ Features HQKerry


HQKerry on RTE

Founders Ken Tobin and Tom O’Leary, along with some of HQKerry’s member companies were delighted to speak with RTÉ recently about how hubs and facilities such as HQKerry are helping rural businesses to flourish.

In the interview, Ken says “There is a lot of synergy between companies based in the hubs whether they are relocated companies from a different part of the country or abroad, or whether they are an individual remote worker, or even a local consultant, there is a lot of help and support there and they get a lot of business from working together as well.”

Now more than ever, people are looking to embrace a more rural style of living, seeking a sustainable and desirable work/life balance. HQKerry and other hubs across the country have helped people work towards their goal of setting up their own business, and working remotely in a seamless way. By providing a creative, professional and collaborative space, supported by 1GB Broadband and flexible workspace solutions, geography is no longer a barrier to career development.

Thanks to RTÉ Boost My Business and Vodafone Business, you can read the entire feature here:

View Article on RTÉ’s Website


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