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Consultancy Services


Operating since 2016, we have grown to become Ireland’s largest regional private coworking hub network.


Coworking Hub and Workspace Consultancy Services

Having both individually worked for many years with small businesses and the community and voluntary sector, Tom & Ken noticed a gap in the market to provide affordable and flexible office space in town centre locations, accessible to remote workers, FDI, SME’s and satellite teams.

With over 40 years combined expertise in communications, operations, business planning and development; Tom and Ken started Entàra Group (formerly HQKerry and Workbase) as they recognised the positive economic impact that coworking hubs can have on the wider community. In addition, they have shown through their own hubs how they they contribute to the rejuvenation of town centres.

Coworking hubs and Enterprise spaces are crucial factors in supporting balanced regional development, by attracting multi-national corporations and remote workers to locate in regional and rural centres. These hubs can provide excellent affordability, they engage communities, and they attract a highly educated and experienced workforce looking for an exceptional work/life balance. Coworking Hubs are driving regional economic growth in an era of a new revolution of work.

Now, following on from the foundation of their own network of hubs, Ken and Tom also use their expertise and experience to facilitate others in the planning, development and promotion of other coworking hubs, digital hubs, serviced office enterprise spaces and remote working centres across Ireland.


The development of coworking hubs and enterprise spaces supports economic development, job creation and retention; and provides an opportunity to attract people to live and work in regional areas.

Entàra Consulting provides comprehensive consultancy services to commercial companies, individual property owners, community and voluntary groups, local authorities, and development companies, on all stages in the delivery and management of Coworking and Enterprise office spaces.

Entàra Consulting, in conjunction with our network of associates, can provide some or all the following services, tailored to each clients’ individual requirements, objectives and goals.

What Services Do We Provide?

  • Feasibility Studies & Funding Applications
  • Project & Community Planning
  • Planning & Advice
  • Architectural & Interior Design
  • Engineering & Quantity Surveying
  • Workspace Fit Out Project Management
  • Branding & Full-Service Marketing
  • Website, Social Media & App Development
  • Hub Partnership & Operation Services

Who Do We Work With?

  • Existing Private & Community Hubs
  • Planned Hub Developments
  • Community & Voluntary Groups
  • Local Authorities & Government Departments
  • Private Developers
  • Enterprise Development Agencies
  • Local Development Companies
  • Chambers of Commerce and Community & Business Groups


Supports from Concept, through Development to Occupancy Stage

Initial Feasibility Analysis

Outline of what we can provide

  • Needs Analysis
  • Market Research
  • Area Profiling
  • Building Site Assessment
  • Socio-Economic Analysis
  • Stakeholder Consultation
Concept Development and Design

Outline of what we can provide

  • Building and/or Site Analysis
  • Initial Design concept based on identified needs and building type and condition.
Business Modelling and Financial Analysis

Outline of what we can provide

  • Optimum operational structure, business, and revenue model
  • Financial projections
  • Investment Analysis
  • Economic Impact Analysis
Detailed Design and Planning

Outline of what we can provide

  • Surveys
  • Detailed Planning Drawings
  • Planning Application and Tender Pack
Detailed Business Planning and Funding Applications

Outline of what we can provide

  • Marketing Strategy and Plan
  • Detailed Financial Projections
  • Operational Structure
  • Identify Potential Funding and Prepare Funding Applications.
Internal Design and Fit Out

Outline of what we can provide

  • Associate Architects and Engineers can provide construction project management and supervision if required.
  • Provide internal design, IT infrastructure and fit out (design and project management of the fit out)
Business Development Sales & Marketing – Consultancy and Coaching

Outline of what we can provide

Post-construction, Provide Consultancy on:

  • Launch
  • Operational Procedures
  • Risk Management
  • Marketing
  • Sales

Our Experience

  • Almost 40 years combined experience of business development, project planning, marketing and development.
  • Feasibility studies on publicly and privately funded capital projects including enterprise facilities, community facilities, recreation, sports and tourism projects.
  • Experience in community planning, socio-economic profiling, social and economic impact analysis.
  • Experience in strategic and business planning for commercial and social enterprises
  • Secured more than €60m in funding for capital projects.
  • Experienced associates in architecture, conservation architecture, engineering, and construction project management.
  • Associate base of interior designers and office fit out specialists.
  • Experience of working with local authorities, local development companies, Enterprise Ireland. Local Enterprise Offices, Údarás na Gaeltachta and IDA.
  • Established networks within co-working and remote working networks.

For more information or to arrange a consultation and see how Ken and Tom can facilitate the rejuvenation, development, and delivery of your project, we would love to hear from you. Email or contact us here.


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We look forward to hearing from you!


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