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Athlone Hub

Athlone Hub

A Sustainable Model for Hub DevelopmentAthlone Hub

Athlone Smart Coworking & Innovation Hub

HQCoworking, as specialist Coworking Hub Consultants, were contracted as Lead Consultants to undertake a Feasibility Study into the development of a Coworking and Innovation / Digital Hub in Athlone, Co. Westmeath.

To be accommodated on the grounds of the former workhouse building off Northgate Street, the project when realised, will be an exemplar model in the redevelopment and reuse of a heritage site as a contemporary multi-facility enterprise space that will provide a collaborative working environment and entrepreneurial eco-system that will contribute to regional growth.

HQCoworking as Lead Consultants were tasked with:

  • Building Condition Assessment Analysis
  • Market Analysis & Assessment
  • Design Concept
  • Needs Analysis & Accommodation Schedules
  • Cost Analysis and Funding Opportunities
  • Preliminary Business Case Analysis & Economic Impact
  • Operational Structure

The existing ‘former workhouse’ building is just off North Gate St in the centre of Athlone Town. The proposal is to develop a wrap around extension, and restore the existing listed property, creating a public realm linkage to the remaining listed properties to the rear.

Maintaining the original workhouse building as the prominent feature, with existing extensions to be demolished, the proposed development will include an open plan, landscaped courtyard space to the rear of the building. This will link the hub with the existing workhouse buildings to the rear, reflecting the access to the workhouse from the administration building based on the original 1841 design.

Workhouse Structure

The development, the result of a feasibility analysis commissioned by Athlone Chamber of Commerce, supported by Westmeath County Council, TUS and the IDA; of the Athlone Sustainable Digital Innovation Hub will entail an overall development budget of €8.8million, and will support 250 direct and indirect jobs once established, with a €16m annual economic contribution to the local economy of Athlone town and County Westmeath.

Athlone Hub Project Team

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